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Does Germany need a "big" government?


The Government often does things for us to live a more comfortable and safer life, taking care of our issues when we can’t. It allows us to worry less than if we were on our own. We individuals often rely on all the things the Government does for us. According to Thomas Hobbes and John Locke, two of the most influential Enlightenment thinkers, we’d be in a state of nature without the government, meaning we’d be living without rules and protection. Everyone would be on their own. Hobbes thinks that being the naturally selfish species we are, we’d constantly be at war, fighting over our possessions and being afraid someone would take them away. Locke says if we were in a state of nature, we’d be our own police. Nobody would take care of your natural rights and they’d easily be violated. Not only does it keep us from our state of nature, it protects our three natural rights (Life, Liberty and Property) since the majority of the population would rather have the government guide them, than living in a world with chaos and violence. As reported by Professor Mott, if you have an efficient government, it will balance liberty with safety, making a social contract with you: Give up a small bit of your freedom in exchange for protection from the government. All of the arguments stated above explain why we need government.

Unfortunately there are various reasons for why we do not need our “big” governments. As discussed in the Video “The Philosophy of Liberty” we do not need our government, because only we are in charge of our own lives and rights. You should be capable of protecting yourself and not rely on anyone else for that. The government violates our natural rights of liberty and property, for example by making us pay taxes with the threat of using force on us. You don’t get to choose if you want to pay taxes, helping the community, or not. In “Three Arguments for Anarchism” by Richard D. Fuerle it is said that chaos like wars, massive wastes and shortages was only ever caused by the government ( For example Mao Zedong and Adolf Hitler).  From infancy and up we were told to believe everything good that happens to our country was the government’s doing. We were taught to believe in our government, but in the end we do not need it to live together in peace, without violence. We make our own rules and enforce them ourselves. Here at Cebu International School for example we have to be respectful to ourselves, others and community, which according to John Hasnas is an “unwritten rule”, meaning we don’t need the government to create and enforce this rule.

There are many pros and cons to governments, but is Germany really better off without it’s government? I can’t say a definite answer, but what I can say, is that it has gotten us in a difficult situation. Within the last year, 1.1 Million “Refugees” have been let into our country. On New Year’s Eve around 500 German women were sexually assaulted and harassed by 1000 of our so-called “Refugees”. The institutions we pay taxes for, supposedly taking care of our elderly are now mainly housing migrants. German girls are told by their government to cover up more to avoid agitating the immigrants and therefore avoid another incident like Cologne, New Year’s Eve. Dearest Chancellor Angela Merkel, as government it’s supposed to be your job to keep us and our women safe from sexual attacks like that! Also, shouldn’t the minority (Migrants) adjust to the Majority (Locals) and not the other way around like in Germany? There is a difference between offering asylum to the crowd seeking protection from chaos and war, which is an honorable act, and blindly letting people, who aren’t used to your culture, into your country, bringing violence and chaos against the local population and anything they aren’t used to. Unfortunately I must say that my government has done the latter and therefore brought fear and hatred upon foreigners, leading to racism and generalizing. As a regular student, I can’t certainly pick whether Germany needs its government or if it’s better off without it, but what I can say, is that it’s doing a poor job at balancing our Life, Liberty and Property with Protection.


This is probably my favourite essay I have written this school year, because I really got to voice my opinion and even got a good grade for it!

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