PR Commercial - Investigation Stage - January 29, 2016
Our second summative of the year is to make a video advertising Cebu International School. Since we are following the Design Cycle, I will be showing you my Investigation Stage below.
Process Journal for the Investigation Stage
Introduction: For this summative our task is to create a commercial video, advertising Cebu International School. We are supposed to advertise our school by creating a video that can convince parents and possible new students to enroll at our school. To show our school in the video, I want to film or take pictures of campus, students and teacher and explain our curriculum and the IB course we offer. For this I will need device to film or take pictures, which will probably be my phone, a video editing software and people/students to be featured in my commercial. I will aim to make this video appealing to parents and students, so they become more interested in CIS and spread the information. But in this stage of the project, I won’t be doing any editing or designing. I will be investigating in our topics, doing research about information I will need for my project/video. To summarize all of this information and stay organized during the create stage I will make a filming and editing schedule, a script and an outline of my video, a To-do list and a list of the materials I need. If I want to get a good grade on this summative, I will have to stick to my schedules and lists, stay focused and not procrastinate, following the strategies of my Design Cycle video, which was the last summative we had. To only get the information I want/need, I will be listing everything in the table below, so I can easily stay organized and make designing and planning easier. Although, if I follow all of the instructions and goals I set for myself and give myself enough time (like for every other summative) to film and edit, I should be able to get a high score in this summative.
IDENTIFY THE CHALLENGE: The challenge is to make a video, which advertises for Cebu International School. We’re supposed to make it informative and interesting, so possible new students and their parents can get curious through this video.
DESIGN BRIEF: I will take the first to second day to do research on basic/background information, to summarize what I want to mention in the video. Then I will make an outline of my video, so I will have it easier to edit and film the video. In the end I will most likely film the video and edit it, checking my work and making sure I don’t forget to add any information.
Design Specification:
The project should carry a good image of Cebu International School
The project should be a video
The project should contain actual, up to date images of the school
The video should contain information about the IB diploma, CIS history and basic information (Location, Contact Number, etc.)
Make the video appealing to all students and parents
In the video, offer something that most students and parents, looking for a school, wouldn’t want to miss out on.
Research information:
Refer to the student instructions and use the following chart to layout your work. Add more rows as you need them!

Following the design requirements I made for myself, I investigated and listed 10 ways to make my commercial effective and get a good grade. I asked myself a few questions on how to make good commercials and videos in general and came to the conclusion that if I want to get a good grade for this, I will have to work hard, not procrastinate and follow the instructions I gave myself.
Rubric for this summative

I actually found this stage very useful, since I learned a lot about not only commercials, but about making good quality videos as well. I planned my time well enough to be able to finish everything before the deadline. Therefore I am very satisfied with myself during this stage, since I focused during the whole class period and even worked on it outside of class, so I could easily submit my Investigation stage on time. If I follow my table listed below I should be able to complete the next stage with ease and plan a video that surely will get me a good grade. I enjoyed doing research on how to make good quality videos, since I really did not know how one could make a professional looking commercial or video. And since I was very productive during this stage, I collected a lot of information.