I may not always have been excited for PE class during this unit,but even though i did not have as much experience as my classmates, I have to say that I did enjoy playing soccer with our tournament groups.
Even with the practice I had during drills, I must say that I really despised this badminton session. Not because of the teachers, but simply because I do not like the feeling of holding a racket or something else like that. I also felt like I did very badly, competing against my classmates, since they're all quite advanced, often getting me frustrated.
I'd say I enjoyed this unit by far the most, right after basketball, simply because I feel like I somehow knew what I was doing, even though I never had dance classes of that sort before. I had a lot of fun practicing and performing in the assembly.
I think I did alright during this unit, considering I did not have any experience whatsoever. I leared a whole lot about the sport.
I really enjoyed this unit so far, since I have a little experience with it. I would love to join the basketball team here at CIS.