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PR Commercial – Design and Plan – February 9, 2016


Task 1:


  • Theme: Diploma and Impact on students


  • Materials and tools: - Camera
                                   - Movie Maker

Task 2:


  • Ideas:

  • 1. People state their ideas, opinions and facts about IB diploma.

  • 2. Make a story with an IB student as main character, explaining the diploma and how the student feels. The video ends with the student graduating and getting accepted into some of the best universities with scholarship.

  • 3. A successful university graduate and owner of a successful company tell us  her secrets, which is taking the IB course in CIS

  • 4. Show the nice and modern parts of CIS with a voiceover, describing the unique things about CIS

  • 5. IB student explains to his little sibling what he will have to expect when doing the IB program





Task 3:

  • Choose the 2 ideas that you think will be best for your Project.

  • Use the chart provided to compare and evaluate the ideas



Process Journal for the Design and Plan stage

Task 4:


  • Use the chart to decide which style of Commercial would be most appropriate.

  • Explain (justify) your decision as a concluding paragraph.

I think the second design would be the more appropriate choice, since it is based on facts and not opinions. It also shows the good side of CIS, not only the people.




Task 5:


  • List the equipment and materials you will need to make your chosen Project.


  • Make a storyboard explaining what ‘steps’ you need to do to make your chosen project.


  • Estimate how long each step will take to complete.


Storyboard chart – Use landscape and add extra ‘steps’ as you need them.


I am not very satisfied with myself during this stage. I find that I didn't focus on my work as good as in the stage before (Investigation stage). Although I barely submitted it on time and struggled a bit with coming up with storyboards, I am proud of myself for planning well and coming up with good ideas. I just wish I would've been able to do one of the other options, which unfortunately I can't, due to lacking resources. I think I really incorporated a lot from my Investigation stage, since I did find a lot of useful information I did not about before. I hope I do better during the Create stage, since editing and filming videos does take a long time and I need to stay focused and follow my plans made in this stage, since I will definitely mess up during the next stage, if I don't follow them.


This is the Design Stage of my PR Commercial project. In this stage I am supposed to plan the process of creating my video. I will be doing so by creating a filming/editing schedule and a list of the materials I will need.

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