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Goal Setting

Chantal Schmidt
Goal Setting, 10B
August 3, 2016


My Goals for SY 2016/2017


One of my three goals of this schoolyear is to manage my time well to have a good start into the year and to keep up that good work over the semester. Last year I had a horrible start, since I wasn’t used to the environment, I was completely overwhelmed with the amount of work and therefore my ATL report card was accordingly mainly yellow, but now that I know what to expect I will be prepared and manage my time well from the beginning on, doing my homework immediately after school and not getting myself distracted. If I start the year on the right foot I will be able keep up the good performance and get good grades all throughout the year. The main reason I think I didn’t reach the full capacity is, because it took me an entire semester to fix my mistakes from the first quarter and I was only able to get good grades towards the end of the year.


What I struggled with last year too, the second semester especially, was that I didn’t balance my effort over all subjects, but mainly over three subjects, Math, Art and Social Studies. I would spend hours each day working on these three subjects and maybe, if those three subjects allowed it, I’d spend 10 to 20 minutes on the other subjects before class. In my ATL’s some of my teachers reported that my work was always late throughout the first semester, simply because I was so busy with others. If I balanced my time well from the beginning on, my grades would have been way better and I could’ve saved myself a lot of stress. My second goal is to be spending less time on some subjects so I don’t neglect the rest.  I will work on Science as long as I work on Social Studies, I’ll work on English as long as Math and I will not let myself get distracted before finishing my homework and projects, as mentioned above.


My last goal for this year is to be able to participate in extracurricular activities, such as basketball and swimming, and still be able to keep up my good grades. By the end of this quarter I want to be able to balance schoolwork with extracurricular activities and free time. Last year, I joined swimming and I enjoyed it a lot. I was enthusiastic about it, but then the homework and projects started piling up and I rather sat in my room for hours on end, working on art projects, math homework or  Spanish vocabulary. I plan to join ISAC  basketball and participate in training as often as possible, since it would look good on my university application. In order to achieve that, I need to make enough time for extracurricular activities and schoolwork and need to prioritize those two.  I will have to push aside some of my hobbies, but will be able to achieve a lot more this year.


My main problem last year was that I wasn’t completely focused and I didn’t know how to manage my time for the first quarter. Trying to achieve my three goals is supposed to help me prevent that from happening again. For this year I hope to get even better grades and join the basketball team of CIS and do my work without being too stressed.

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