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Chantal Schmidt
Evaluation Paper, IT
Mr. Burgos

EVALUATE STAGE- PR Commercial Video 


Your educational game is done! Now you need to collect information and reflect to evaluate how successful the PR Commercial Video was against the original Challenge and Design Specifications. Finally, make suggestions for improvement.  


The evidence of the evaluation will be a paper based on a) the process journal (group),  b) personal reflection (individual),  c) feedback form – feedback/survey.  


ï‚· Criterion A: Knowledge and Understanding  o You will need to demonstrate the areas of knowledge that have helped you to create a PR Commercial Video.   o You will need to show understanding of ‘PR Commercial Video’ in evaluating the data and recommending improvements.   ï‚· Criterion C: Application and Transfer  o You will need to create appropriate questions for the feedback survey in order to collect useful data.   o You will need to organize the survey in order to have it completed and returned in time.   o You will need to interpret the data and link it to the Challenge and Design Specifications. 


ï‚· Criterion D: Personal Learning  o The survey gives you an opportunity to use data to reflect critically in   order to improve your ‘creation’ (Educational Game).  o It is important to critically reflect on your participation throughout the whole project.   o Have you submitted the evaluation paper and process journal (Survey Report) (dates, durations, events, evidences and explanations)? 


ï‚· Criterion E: Message  o Have you organized your Evaluation Paper to include all parts?   o Does your Survey Report/Evaluation Paper clearly present the data, analysis, conclusion and recommendations for improvement?   o Have you included the complete elements in process journal (dates, durations, events, evidences and explanations) that other people who can read can understand how you gone through the evaluating stage process? 


Task 1: Process Journal Use the process journal form to document your progress in this stage of work.  

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Task 2: Personal Reflection As a final part to the whole project write a personal reflection (individual). 

I found this project very useful, since I learned a lot in the Investigation stage and managed my time and planned the whole process of creating the game well, so that I could submit my work and get a good grade. I was able to use the knowledge I collected in previous scratch projects (formative) as well and all in all I’d say that I learned a whole lot I did not know about before.



 Create 5 guiding questions for yourself.   Use 5 of the questions below.   Write your responses with explanations   Answer question # 6 to round off this Reflection. 


  1. If you would have had more time, would you have chosen to create a different game?
    - I most likely would’ve created my trivia game, because I find it more fun, even though I learned a lot while creating my current game.

  2. Do you think the idea of scientists was good?
    Kind of, because mine was quite unique compared to others, because theirs were mainly about geography, but some classmates of mine don’t seem to be too interested in Science.

  3. Do you think anyone; even someone who has no experience with scratch could make a game?
    Unlike our other projects, you actually needed practice and couldn’t just go and create it because there is more to it than programming.

  4. Do you think the students would like this?
    According to my feedback my classmates liked my game quite a lot, especially because of the random squirrel.

  5. Do you think you planned your game well?
    I’m not so sure about that, because I did good planning, but did not follow my plans at all.


Guiding questions for Reflection: 


1. Which part of the project “PR Commercial video”, did you like doing the best? Explain why.  
The research, because I liked finding out more about the important scientists of our history.


2. What factors contribute to designing and planning in the project “Educational Game”? 
How much time we have, the resources…


3. Which parts of the design cycle have you found most useful in solving this project? Please explain why.   The design and Plan, because I got to plan and organize a lot.


4. Which stage of the design cycle do you think you need to work on the most to improve? How would you do this?   Investigation, because I didn’t learn a lot.


5. By completing this Challenge-Educational game, has it helped you think about organization in general? Are you going reflect about some of your other organization practices? If not, why not? If so, what do you plan to do?  


6. Have your final comment to round off this Reflection about the project “PR Commercial video”? Use it.    I think this project was quite successful, because I learned a lot about famous scientists, like Albert Einstein, and I actually had a lot of fun creating it.




I received mostly positive feedback from classmates and teachers, but I really need to add more hints to simplify my game. Not everyone likes or is interested in science, so not everyone knows who these people are, meaning I have to make it easier, by adding more hints.


From the survey I learned that people want me to add more correct answers, because punctuation and spelling matter. I also have to make the music last throughout the whole game and consider adding people from different time periods.


Conclusion: Overall I received positive feedback from fellow students and my teachers, but their main complaint was that it was a very difficult game, but still found it entertaining and educational. The audience's favourite part of my game was the squirrel, which was a random, yet funny act. To improve this game, I should make it easier or add more hints about the scientists.


Task 3: Survey/Feedback Feedback depends on the Survey and should be based on the Design Specification you set in this project.



I had fun creating this game, because I learned a lot about scientists I didn't know much about before. I didn't like the actual process of programming too much, because I got headaches after doing it for too long. All in all, I'm satisfied with myself, because I got quite positive feedback. Survey below.


This is the final stage of my project, namely the evulation stage. Below are reflections about the game I created and a survey which I conducted for feedback.


I am satisfied with this stage of my project, because I got to find out that I did well with my game and that it was quite successful with Middle and High schoolers. According to them it may have been quite difficult, but most were able to complete the game.

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